Yesterday I had french again and that was fine, i guess. I'm expected to spell everything right in that class and, as you know, i can't even do that in English. Hopefully i'll do fine. So far i have remembered quite a bit of it so it's not that hard. hopefully i can keep it up the rest of the semester. I swear i have the worst memory in the world. memorizing vocab and grammar and stuff is so hard for me. we'll see how it goes. I also had French 362 with Ricks. so far it looks like it is going to be managable. Apperently at BYU, that class is actually taught in french! I'm glad i don't have to deal with that...
After class, courtney, ariel, and i went wondering. someone had sent ariel some instructions to cheep shopping places so we tried to find them. we mostly failed but we ended up in a pretty cool part of town. I guess it was a jewish quarter. there were lots of cheep places and the buildings there were showing their age. I actually liked it there. i think i'll go back henever i can.
our first art history class was today. our teacher, valery, is very bubbly for a french person. mostly we are just focusing on french paintings from just before the revolution. I was kind of just hoping for a three month long tour but i'll live. we focused on like 6 paintings in three hours which was hard for some of us because we wanted to look around! I'm still excited to be taking this class. she's going to take us to Versailles three times! can't wait.
today i slept in until 11:30 and it was amazing. Courtney and i met up with haley at the RER station and then headed over to the eiffel tower and met up with Ariel, Rosalie, Sky, Brooklyne, Richard, and Mike. we took some pics there and then split up. Haley, Courtney, Ariel, and i headed over to the latin quarter for another paris walk. It was pretty cool, i guess. Lots of cheep food there which i really like. There was the narrowest road in paris hich was called "the cat who fishes." random... and kind of cool i suppose. I don't even remember what else we saw. The latin quarter is where all the students would hang out because that's where the old university is where they spoke in Latin... hence the name.
I had dinner with the family tonight. We had Raqlette! i told them i ate it with my family before and we learned about it from Swiss friends. They only used one kind of cheese that was verry mild. very fun. For dinner we just had yogurt and fruit. I seriously stuffed myself. i ate way more than i should have. I spoke a little to Lauren which was a lot less awkward than it can be sometimes. We talked about school and what we're studying. She is doing business and we discussed how America seems to have a lot more choices for studies whereas most french kids do business. i toldd them i wanted to see the Dali museum and when i said that Dali is my favorite artist the dad did one of those joking "you're odd" faces. and whenever I tell french people that i want to learn norwegian they have the funniest reaction. when i told valery she said "where are you from?!" and the mom was just like "why?" and made a disgusted face/that's the most useless thing i have ever heard of face. she also made a "it's smelly" gesture. then the dad made some joke about how he speaks sweedish and Ikea but i didn't quite catch on. i think it was like "i speak sweedish...Ikea" idk. So dinner was really funny, today. I felt much more comfortable today and i felt like they were treating me more like a norman=l somewhat smart person tonight.
Usually during dinner, i use the napkin modestly but two days ago i noticed that they just fold up their napkins and put them back in the cabinet for reuse and it occured to me that they never really use them. I feel pretty bad now.
Here's my address here if you want to google map it! 6 avenue des Tilleuls - 78290 croissy sur seine :) enjoy!
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