yesterday, i was in one of those moods where i couldn't stop telling my life story. ok, ok it was just that i was talking a little more about my life than is usual... if that makes ANY sense. I hate being in that mood too cause while i'm talking, I realize that the other person could care less, but i keep talking anyways. oh my, me and my moods
Class started yesterday. I had french 201. I forgot how much work went into that class! I forgot about all the assignments and such. I got super spoiled during 202. 202 was my most chill class last semester. of course last semester sucked...
I was done with class after that and we went wondering to find some food. We found this little bakery that sells AMAZING sandwiches for not that much money and it's really close to the institute. All us kids are going to frequent that place a lot. I seriously went four times yesterday. they also have sweets to sell.
While on this trip i have not been able to satisfy my hunger ever. I eat a lot... seriously about 4 times what i ate last semester. Of course i didn't eat that much at home. All their food is cooked in TONS of butter. I'm a little afraid of earning me a set of love handles. I told Courtney to keep an eye out for me... Thank goodness we do so much walking. Hopefully that will be enough to keep me skinny.
a bunch of girls and i went to the St. Dennis church thingy. While there i really wanted to find a post office so i could mail off some letters including my visa letter. the line in the post office was super long! idk if it was like the only post office in the ten mile radius or if everyone just decided to go that day but it was crazy. I was able to do a good portion of it in French but then we had troubles when i asked for the confirmation of delivery for my visa thing. it took her forever to figure out what i was talking about. By the time i was finally done the church was closing. The other girls said it wasn't that amazing inside... so i guess it's ok
That night, all us kids met up at Dr. Ricks place for family night. I sat and talked with ariel a lot and we had a giggle attack randomly while Ricks was trying to talk to us. It was fun. After that, ariel, Bart, courtneys a, Rebbecca, and i were playing with Max and Jack, the Ricks boys. They were sitting on our legs while we tried to hold them up off the floor. We were all able to do it! We wound those boy up a ton. Poor dr. and sr. Ricks.
Today i woke up with a cold... I just have a runny nose and a slight fever. Nothing i can't handle, and after tomorrow it'll be the weekend so i suppose i plan on resting up.
Before Courtney and I left for school, we had to tell our host mom that we ate all our breakfast and that we needed all. she was asking what we needed more of and when we told her we ate everything her jaw hit the floor. i wonder if the French just don't eat much breakfast. we got resupplied though. :) It was funny.
We had French 201 again, today, and just went over homework and vocab. I knew most of it except personality stuff... that was hard for me to learn last year and i have a feeling it will be hard again this year. Hopefully it will be ok. The first chapter is pretty simple stuff. Right after that we had French Conversation 211. In that class, we have to read three articles a week and keep journals on them in french, learn 50 new words a week, have seven assigned conversations with my family and keep journals on that and i can't remember what else. It shouldn't be too hard, but to be honest, i'm not sure i will be able to keep up with the work just 'cause that's how i roll. I don't really need those credits, so i could possibly drop that class and pick up the religion one because i do actually need religion credits. 211 would offer me lots of practice with the language but i already feel like i have a pretty good amount of practice and 201 will def help... idk.
after that, i made another visit to that awesome bakery. i'm able to order everything in french. well ok, it's not that hard, actually, but i'm still pretty proud of myself. after that, Courtney, Haily, Ariel and i did the Notre dame walk. We saw Notre Dame, obviously, then we went into the escevation place where they found gallo-roman ruins. It's weird to think that when i'm walking through Paris, i'm pretty much standing over ancient ruins that are underground. It's odd how it all just got built over like that. Next was Saint Chapelle. I was suprised by how small it is! but it is still quite impressive. It is prob one of the most colerful gothic churches i have been in. I really really enjoyed it. The sucky thing is that they are cleaning some of the glass so the front of the chaple where it is super impressive was actually covered up. even then i was really impressed.
We all split up and went home after. I did my French 362 reading and took a nap before dinner. I was feeling really crappy and i wasn't sure if i would be able to make it to dinner. When i finally got out of my bed my nose stopped running, thank goodness, i didn't want to be sniffling all through dinner. I also felt much better. They could tell that i wasn't doing so hot, though, so tonight they didn't really talk to us much. I do a little more talking than Courtney, even though she def has a better vocab than i do. I just try to say as much as i can.
Random side note, but the stools at the bar in my room are just a little too high. I have the hardest time getting on and off them.
Now for more homework! oh my...
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