Yesterday i slept in pretty late. the family made came in and was probably impressed with my ability to sleep. I would have been. She also did some laundry and aperently the dryer does actually work. the knob can only be turned by someone.. much stronger than i am. next time... we'll make it happen
yesterday, Haley and Ariel met up with Courtney and me to do another walk. we met up infront of the eiffel tower and took some pics. i had some action shots doing cart wheels, but they aren't on my camera so i'm going to make them email me those pics. it was pretty silly. we went on the first Marais walk after that, and we saw Hotel de sens, jardins saint-paul, the remains of philippe auguste's wall, hotel de sully, which is near where Victor Hugo's house is. We got to go inside that. then we saw musee ccarvavalet which has some cool mideaval stuff. then we saw Hotel marle. again, some of it i was a tad confused of what the importance was. we were going to do the second half of the walk but it started pooring on us pretty hard core so w2 clase wimped out and went to our usual sandwich place. I actually think the ladies that work there get annoyed when we come...
For my French 362 class, we're supposed to do some stuff focusing on stuff in paris that we are really passionate about, so if you are passionate about architecture, then look at buildings, etc. I always hate stuff like that 'cause honestly i am really not passionate about anything. I was thinking about it and i actually get pretty worked up about sexism stuff, and i thought i could maybe focus on that. eleanor of aquitaineEleanor of Aquitaine was pretty important for feminism stuff, even though i don't think she was in paris all that much. there's also the courtly love which did a lot for women back in the day. idk, any ideas?
I have also been eating non stop! i'm seriously going to get fat...
Anyways, last night, Ariel came over to spend the night. we had lots of chocolate, soda, and chips. it was pretty fun. We watched makeup tutorials and chris crocker clips. I have also wanted to straighten my hair really bad. i basically never do at home but the fact that i just can't here cause of the rain really makes me want to have straight hair so last night i did mine and ariels. it was really nice feeling having straight hair. we also teased it and did makeup. fun times
Last night i had the most psycho dreams. i dreamed that i had to duel a baby for something for mom and the baby was psycho. it came back to life like 4 times and i had to smash his head in and stuff. it was really graphic and icky. Then i had a dream that i kissed brandt, my old tennis coach. I have no idea why that would come up in my dreams, it really freaked me out. it was all so strange. it was one of those mornings this morning where it was super relieving to wake up. I asked Ariel "what could have given me those dreams?" and she said "Chris Crocker." it's prob true.
today we met up with more kids in our group to do another walk. we saw the Musee de cluny, the Sorbonne, the pantheon, the st. etiene-du-mont church and the Roman arena. It was nice to socialize with the other kids in the group a little. i was sort of beginnign to feel a tad cut off from the croud. Cluny was really really amazing. the *almost just fell off the really tall stool* the "lady and the unicorn tapestries" are really breathtaking. i guess i really .like tapestries now. I had to buy this little pamphlet on them. they were too cool. i just liked all the pieces that were in there, though, they were just some things i haven't normally seen in other places. i liked the whole thing. the pantheon was pretty cool, all the graves were neet to see, like voltair's and the like. st-etienne-du-mont church is pretty cool, and it has a tad of saint genevieve's remains left. Revolutionaries destroyed most of them. The revolutionaries seemed to have destroyed a lot of things so they are starting to bug me. The Roman arena was cool cause you could still see the animal cages at the bottom. It's also interesting cause it is used as a park. there were tons of kids playing soccer in the center of it! pretty wild if you ask me. After that, we were all cold and tired so we went into a pub and had some sandwiches. good deal. of course i wanted more food... so i ate some more chocolate. oh boy.
OH! and Ariel is from springville so we know tons of the same people and she even knows Ryan. It's weird that i know so many people from there. pretty random. It's fun to talk about mutual friends and give honest opinions about them. Random connections.
Lidwin has a friend over for a sleep over right now. they are in the theater room that's between courney's and my room. I went over there to brush my teeth and Lidwin and her friend were dancing to some beyonce songs they found on youtube and it was super cute. :) Earlier they were doing karioki and seriously, really cute. lidwin asked be if she needed to turn down the bass but she said it funny and i had a hard time at first but i figured it out and said it was ok.
Last night when Courtney and i were coming up to our gate, like 7 guys with their faces covered by bandannas walked by with crowbars in their hand. it was creepy. it looked like they were about to go cause some trouble or already had. I'm glad they ignored us.
and i photo bombed some girl's picture. that's always fun. Ok, i think i'm done now... seriously.